Red Clover Sings of a World Inside a Flower
Fairies perch against our stems in communion, generating ideas of how to share the earth’s song. The fae all decide which ideas are best to put forward at this time. Their best idea was you.
These fairies decided to reach you, to sing to you, to tell you about their world. While this earth plane can feel dense, and humans can seem to have made a mess of things, there is also so much joy.
We red clovers hold the vibration of joy and belonging, the sweetness of life, the same energy that children carry. There is a chorus singing to you, that you belong. If you have forgotten, we will remind you.
The fairies gather with us and together we know if we share this song with you, you are likely to gift it to others. And those beings will continue to share it. Then it might, slowly, be easier to be here on earth. Those who are sensitive and find it difficult are the very same ones who can hear this song. You are so precious to the earth, so needed, and so exquisitely intended at this time.
The world of red clovers is a beautiful, continuous song. Sit underneath us with your feet tucked in, our wings folded around you, your spine against our stems for support.
We will tell you a story of belonging. It does not have to be as it has been. It can be more beautiful and sweet, it can be dreamt into being from this place of safety.